The following examinations are offered in an on-demand online format:
Certified Peer Specialist
Certified Recovery Specialist
Family-Based Therapy
Certified Allied Addiction Practitioner
Once approved to take an on-demand online examination candidates can take the examination on an on-demand basis on any computer (desktop or laptop computers only – no cellphones or tablets may be used) if they meet all requirements listed below. No exceptions will be made.
- Reliable high-speed internet (not a hotspot)
- No cellphones or tablets may be used
- Computer with quality webcam and microphone
- Google Chrome web browser
- Proctorio Extension –
- Private and interruption free area to take the exam
- A valid ID with picture will be required to show prior to the exam. Examples of valid IDs include: state issued ID card, drivers license, passport, work ID and/or college/university ID.
More information on Proctorio and downloading the extension are located in the PCB Online Examination Guide.
In-person examinations will be limited to scheduled regional locations throughout the Commonwealth. Counselor, Clinical Supervisor, and Prevention examinations are not available for on-demand online examinations or in-person regional examinations. Applicants for those credentials will need to schedule an examination at an approved examination site.