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This page shows past education approvals for the trailing 2 year period.
Title | Dates | Hours | Location | Organization |
A Brief Overview of Specific Mental Disorders and Cross-Cutting Issues (TIP 42, Ch. 8): Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons With Co-Occurring Disorders - 101138 | - | 4 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems, LLC |
Post-Acute: Attracting and Retaining Health System Relationships | - | 1 | Distance Learning | Netsmart Technologies |
Mindfulness-based Treatment of Addiction:Current state of the feld and envisioning the next wave of research - 102403 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems, LLC |
Staying in Action: The Pathological Gamblers Equivalent of the Dry Drunk - 101426 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems, LLC |
Progress Note Documentation: Anatomy of a Great DAP Note | - | 1 | Distance Learning | Netsmart Technologies |
Facing Addiction in America: Chapter 1 - Introduction and Overview of the Report:The Surgeon’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs and Health - 102381 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems, LLC |
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Guidelines for Referral and Diagnosis - 100990 | - | 5 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems, LLC |
Psychiatric Medications in Behavioral Healthcare: Module 4 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | Netsmart Technologies |
From Re-entry to Recovery - Peer Support for Transition to the Community - 102360 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems, LLC |
Working with the Classroom and the School Environment to Prevent Youth Violence and Substance Abuse - 100331 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems, LLC |
PTSD and Suicide | - | 1 | Distance Learning | Netsmart Technologies |
Focus on Prevention: Strategies and Programs to Prevent Substance Use - 102312 | - | 5 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems, LLC |
Substance Abuse and the Family: Defining the Role of the Faith Community - 100305 | - | 3 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems, LLC |
PTSD Part 6, The Body Remembers | - | 1 | Distance Learning | Netsmart Technologies |
Re-envisioning Addiction Treatment: A Six-Point Plan - 102177 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems, LLC |
Co-Occurring Alcohol Use Disorder and Schizophrenia: Alcohol Research and Health - 101216 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems, LLC |
Schizophrenia: The Revolution in Treatment Part 2 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | Netsmart Technologies |
Brief Family Therapy (TIP 34, Chapter 8): Brief Interventions and Brief Therapies for Substance Abuse (TIP 34) - 101940 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems, LLC |
The Clients Theory of Change: Consulting the Client in the Integrative Process - 100731 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems, LLC |
SHARE Approach Module 3: Communication | - | 1 | Distance Learning | Netsmart Technologies |
Patient Assessment (TIP 54, Chapter 2): Managing Chronic Pain in Adults With Or in Recovery From Substance Use Disorders - 101862 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems, LLC |
A Moral Vision of Addiction: How Peoples Values Determine Whether They Become and Remain Addicts - 101561 | - | 3 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems, LLC |
Stages of Change Model v.2 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | Netsmart Technologies |
The Role of Mindfulness in the Cognitive-Behavioural Treatment of Problem Gambling - 101551 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems, LLC |
TIP 35-Enhancing Motivation for Change in Substance Use Disorder Treatment-Stabilizing Change - 102663 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems, LLC |